Client testimonials

Sharon Hayton


Arrived home safe and well, and with many wonderful memories of visit to Prague. The first memory will always be seeing the room and the Hotel Residence Dominiun. It was beautiful and wonderful. The staff at the hotel were fantastic. Very friendly, very helpful. I would recommend you to all my friends and i do hope to visit Prague again in the near future. It's the most beautiful place that I have ever been to and people are so friendly.

Please thank everyone at the hotel for making my first trip to Prague one to remember.

Thanks & Best Wishes


Diane Thackery


We had a lovely time visiting Prague. It was quite helpful to have all of our transportation and hotel contacts through your agency especially with the phone situation after the floods. Josef was very kind and helpful in getting us to and from the airport and train.

The Golden Stag was one of the nicest Pension's we stayed in during our visit to Europe and I will definitely recommend it to all of my friends who travel to Prague. Both Eva and Martina were extremely friendly and kind at the Pension. Thanks for inquiring.


Diane Thackery

Lynn, Len & Andrew Vahey

Hello Filip & Company:

We have returned home safely from our first European adventure, full of fantastic memories of the wonderful people we met, the many beautiful sites, the music and dance, and the tasty bier and food! We want to thank you for your work in making our visit to Prague a delightful experience. The Pension U zlateho jelena was perfect. A great location, a large room, the jacuzzi tub was a great comfort at days end, a good breakfast and helpful staff. Thank you so much for the recommendation. A thank you too, to your driver who drove us from the train station to the pension and back. He was very timely, friendly and we enjoyed the information he provided about Prague as he drove. We are ready to return!!!

Our hearts are heavy though as we hear about the flooding in Prague and the Czech Republic. We are thankful there were no human casualties. Sorry to hear of the loss at the zoo. Thank you for your letter and pictures to update us on the flood situation. We certainly will recommend a visit to Prague to all we know who plan to visit Europe. We'll certainly give them your name too.

Our appreciation, thoughts, prayers and good wishes to you and all of Prague.

Sincerely, Lynn, Len & Andrew Vahey

Angela Bell

Dear Alena,

I would like to also add my thanks. The hotel Salvator was wonderful as was the receptionist that helped on many occasions. And you and your colleague were wonderful both before and during the trip.

We indeed had a wonderful time, though the time was short we were able to see a great deal. And I would definitely say that Prague is a place I will return to. I will also be recommending your company to my friends.

Kind regards,


Silvia Garcia

Espero disfrutar de la preciosa ciudad de praga y espero que tambien la disfrute nuestro bebe de dos años

muchas gracias por tu amabilidad y eficiencia, asi da gusto hacer las cosas via internet.

Silvia Wein

Back from Prague, I really need to recommend the place “ALICE”!

Very nice rooms, decorated lovely and the staff is extraordinary friendly!!!

Best regards


Mary Banks

Am very impressed with the good reviews on the Feedback page.

Can you tell me what the price per night for the Wenceslas appartments is? It's not clear if you are paying per bedroom, person or apartment.


Tim & Jen Lane

We have just returned from 2 days in Prague and would highly recommend anyone who has the chance to pay a visit. A city full of contrasts, very warm and friendly people, nothing is too much trouble.

We stayed at the Hotel Salvator, booked through Athos - excellent value and very close to all sights. 2 things to be aware of at this hotel - the pictures on the web site are out of date, hotel has been updated and is much better than is shown. Also hotel ONLY accepts American Express cards not Visa or Mastercard - could be a problem!

Thanks for the booking. Would recommend

Peggy Luh

Dear Alena and Athos,

I wanted to say a big thank you for your assistance in making our stay in

Prague a wonderful one. The driver met us at the station, showed us to a

bankomat and drove us right to our pension, even giving us a tour of the

city. The Pension Green Garland and the hosts were all very friendly and

accommodating. The room we had (#5) was spacious and comfortable; we did

not have trouble with 3 people in there at all.

We had a great time in your beautiful city and look forward to returning

someday. We will also recommend Athos and the Green Garland to our friends

and family.

Best regards,

Peggy Luh


Dear Alena,

I just wanted to write and thank you for the fantastic accommodation you

supplied us with last week in Prague.

We were really impressed with the appartment, it was brilliant. We have

left your details with my sister in case she has other visitors who need

accomodation. I will definitely recommend your services to anyone else I

know who visits Prague.

It helped make our stay more enjoyable. Thank you again.

Best wishes


Mark Yohalem

We had a great trip! Thanks a lot for all the hospitality we were shown in Prague. We will definitely mention Athos to anyone we know going to Prague.



Alejandro Bozovich

Dear Filip:

After spending 3 days in Prague, I´d like to let you know I am quite satisfied about your services. As my first hotel choice was not available, you suggested me a good alternative, and my bill was exactly as promised.

Peter picked me up at the right time on my arrival, making me feel confortable and safe. As my return flight was departing pretty early, he was waiting at my hotel front door at 6 AM with no delay !! He also made himself sure everything was OK with my flight before saying good bye to me. Special thanks to an honest member of your team !

Looking forward to use your services again,

Alejandro Bozovich

Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Michael & Jody Schepers


Thanks so much for your help regarding our recent visit to Prague. The hotel (U Prince) was perfect; just as you described. We also greatly appreciated your assistance in providing transport from the airport and train station. I must also mention your restaurant recommendation which was FABULOUS!!!

Truly a memorable trip...thanks Athos!

Michael & Jody Schepers

Carol Taylor


The Hotel U Price was fabulous. You were right!!

The Prague people are so friendly and helpful. We were in the centre of Prague, so we could get everywhere very easily. Ive recommend your services and the Hotel to everyone. I would look to go back, maybe in the summer? You will have to let me know if any good deals come up.

It was very easy getting from the Airport to the Hotel, your public transport is so easy and cheap to use. It was great.

I hope that British Airways News we sent you is some use.

Thanks again for all your help.

Carol Taylor


Filip, I finally got some free time to send you a message after coming back from Prague. Thank you very much for your help with arranging the hotel. My parents, my wife and I really enjoyed our trip to Prague. The two weeks we spent there just flew by!

Thank you for your help.


RNDr. Edita Vranková, PhD.

Váž. pán Antoš!

Myslím,že to bola dobrá vo¾ba,keï som si ubytovanie vybrala z Vašej ponuky.Vzh¾adom na moju èinnos? v Prahe to úplne splnilo svoj úèel.Pred podobnými rozhodnutiami si zvyknem dos? podrobne preštudovat rôzne ponuky.Vašu cestovku mi trošièku podstrèil aj manžel,ktorému sa Vaša stránka páèi.Mne osobne tiež - pre jednoduchos?,preh¾adno? a samotný spôsob výberu umožòujúci zoh¾adni? rôzne kritériá zákazníka.Ale dôležitým a rozhodujúcim momentom je aj Vaša ústretová a promptná komunikácia cez internet s potenciálnym zákazníkom a snaha o poskytovanie informácií zodpovedajúcich skutoènosti (i keï jeden malièký háèik to malo - nemyslím tým d¾žeò navyše v mojom mene,ktorý sa však vyriešil k obojstrannej spokojnosti). Želám Vám preto èo najviac spokojných zákazníkov.

Srdeène Vás pozdravuje

Edita Vranková


Dear Filip,

Jinsen came home safe and sound. He had a good time at Prague and said it was a beautiful city. My husband and I would like to visit there someday. And we'd definitely use your reservation service. I can't say enough good things about your service. In fact, I just sent my praise and recommendation to Rick Steve's travel center about your personal and attentive service and speedy response.

Thank you again.



I'm back in the U.S. and wanted to thank you for the accomodations you set up. Everything worked out great and the Cerny Slon was excellent, the service and accomodations were great. Whenever you're back in Chicago send me an email and I'd be glad to show you around or have a drink.

Also, if you're ever looking for business contacts in the states to expand your service or look for new business let me know and I'd be glad to help. I think there is great demand for tours to Czech and Easter Europe from the U.S. Americans love one stop shopping. I also think there are great export opportunities of gifts and goods.



Éva Tiszeker

Dear Filip,

This is the first day after returning from Czech and I want to thank you
for everything you did for us. I really enjoyed Prague ( exluding the
gridlock on our car beacause of bad parking and the lack of heating in the
hostels) and I have to admit we had great time in your country. Prague is a
marvellous city with extremely wonderful buildings, great places and
fantastic beer! I also loved Cesky Krumlov, which is a lovely and friendly
place. Atlas was o.k., we did not mind staying there, it reminded us our
late teens travilling in Europe with a backsack, seeking for adventures!

So thanx again for your kind help, I hope to hear from you in the future (
I swear I will start to organize our trip in time next time) and if you do
not mind we will tell people about our very good experiences with Athos.

Best regards: Éva Tiszeker

W. J. Burney

I would like to thank you for the excellent service in
providing the hotel for us on our recent visit to
Prague. The hotel was outstanding! And much better
than the one requested. We were enroute and were
unable to confirm until we reached Prague, and since
we didn't know how to use the telephone, were unable
to take advantage of your offer of transportation.
Your web site is great, and I will recommend it to all
the travel sites I deal with. Sorry for the delay in
responding, but we just returned home on November 1.
Thanks again for the outstanding service.
W. J. Burney

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