Client testimonials

Ľubomír Vaňo

Dobrý deň,
bol som spokojný s pobytom v Prahe.Hlavne oceňujem promptné zabezpečenie hotela Vašou agentúrou,nakoľko som ho začal zháňať cez víkend.
K hotelu mám len jednu pripomienku a tou bol "výhľad" z okna izby na kamennú stenu železničného násypu.Takéto izby by mali byť s výraznou zľavou.
Vašu agentúru budem odporúčať svojim priateľom.
S pozdravom
Ľubomír Vaňo

Isabel Ribeiro

Dear Sirs,
Thanks for your e-mail. It was really a fantastic stay in Prague as I expected to, as it was my second time in there. This time I couldn´t touch the saint on Karl's bridge. Shall I return again???? Hope so. It's such a pleasure to wonder all those beautiful streets along full of history. And the concerts, the black theatre. Unique. Only a dark point (for me!!!). It's becoming more and more crowded...
Best regards

David Parkinson

> Dear Athos travel team.
I would like to thank you for the excellent service I have received from you all for the second year in a row, at all times I can not complain at all about the help and support I have had from everyone at Athos travel. I have spoken to you all in your office and always found everyone to be very good. I will reccomend your service to my friends and family.
once again thank you, and I look forward to doing business with you again in the future.


David Parkinson

Bohumil Bělský

Dobrý den,

Velice bychom chtěli poděkovat za zprostředkování ubytování v hotelu Derby. S ubytováním i se službami v hotelu jsme byli velmi spokojeni, personál hotelu byl příjemný, milý a velmi vstřícný a splnili nám každé naše přání. Cítili jsme se tu jako doma, hotel je dobře situován. Jediné, co nám trošku kazilo dojem byl výhled do ruin ve dvoře, ale moc jsme to nevnímali, spíš jsme si užívali nádherného počasí a lázeňské atmosféry. Škoda, že jsme nemohli zůstat déle! Karlovy Vary považujeme mezi nejkrásnější města nejen v Čechách, ale i na světě a moc rádi se sem vracíme.

Jsme s pozdravem

Bohumil Bělský, Jablonec nad Nisou.

Mrs Brenda Stocks

Thank you for your email.

This was my second visit to Prague using your company and I would like to say that your driver was extremely helpful, taking our bags to the car and also into the hotel and telling the reception who we were. Also on the return journey he even took our bags into the airport, then found our check-in desk and took our bags to it, then came back with a trolley (which we did not need but it was very thoughtful). All this and he was extremely friendly too.

We will definitely recommend you to friends who visit Prague and will also use you again on our future visits.

Thank you.

Mrs Brenda Stocks

Dr. Rodolfo Albrecht

Todo en orden y nos encantó Praga. Tal vez habría que ver como reducir las tarifas en los estacionamientos que están exorbitantes en comparación de toda Europa.
Gracias nuevamente por todo y están en nuestra lista para reomendarlos.
Buen día.
Dr. Rodolfo Albrecht

Helena Čulíková

děkuji vám za sprostředkování našeho ubytování v Českém Krumlově.Se službami penzionu jsme byli spokojeni.
Helena Čulíková

Michael Blaha

I filled out the hotel evaluations on your web site. I'll give you one more piece of feedback. You arranged a driver to pick us up at the airport and bring us to the Hotel Beranek. As I recall, his name was David. He was very pleasant to talk to on our drive to the hotel. I recommend him.

Michael Blaha

Petra Moyseyev

The hotel was great. We stayed for 2 weeks with our kids and the staff was friendly, the food was good and the rooms were clean. The location is perfect and close to every main attraction in Prague.

I would reccomend this hotel to anyone traveling with family, friends or on their own.

Thanks again to everyone at Hotel Hastal !!!! We will see you next year.

Julie Taplin

Thanks for your email. I have to say that I only used your company for transfers to and from the airport. The service you offered was exceptionally good. The cars arrived prompt and the drivers were very curteous and informative. I would have no hesitation in recommending your travel service to friends.

Texlová Eva

Dobrý den! Chci vám poděkovat za zprostředkování ubytování v Českém Krumlově,pobyt,ikdyž krátký se nám moc líbil,penzion byl útulný a přijetí velmi milé! Rádi vaše služby opět využijeme! Ještě jednou díky a přeji pěkný den! Texlová Eva

Jean Driver

Hotel Angelis in Prague was delightful. We would highly recommend it to anyone. It was new, very clean, good breakfast, great room. Good directions to anyone coming would be helpful. We got there late and had difficulty finding it. Thanks, Jean Driver


We had a wonderful stay, Prague as usual was fabulous. Hotel very good and your overall service was excellent. Your collection service and taximan were great(very nice and informative man). I have already recommended you to friends who are hoping to travel to Prague later in the year.

Many thanks


Hello there

We had fantastic time in Prague and flat's location was perfect for us!!!!!

Many thanks


Ursula Wittek

Danke für Ihre Nachfrage.

Das gebuchte Hotel hat uns sehr gut gefallen und allen unseren
Erwartungen entsprochen.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Ursula Wittek

PaedDr. Adriana Csipakova s rodinou

Dobry den, skor som Vam nevedela napisat, lebo len teraz sme sa vratili z
dovolenky na Kanarskych ostrovoch.
Velmi pekne Vam dakujeme za Vasu profesionalitu, ktoru Ste prejavili
smerom k nam. V Prahe sme sa citili velmi dobre vdaka Vasim skvelym
sluzbam. Dakujeme zamestnancom Athos Travelu za flexibilitu pri vybavovani
nasho pobytu- touto cestou chcem podakovat p. Vendule Krotilovej za jej
ochotu. Sluzby hotela boli na velmi dobrej urovni a personal bol nesmierne
mily ako aj taxi sluzba. Prajeme Vam vela klientov a hlavne vela zdravia.
Urcite sa k Vam vratime.
PaedDr. Adriana Csipakova s rodinou.

Mrs S D Carr

We had a wonderful time in Prague. The rest of the party i was with had never been before and really loved it, we are already planning a return for next year.
Our driver, who picked us up was wonderful, if you could pass on our thanks and best wishes we would be very grateful.
It is about my fifth stay at the hastal and it never disappoints. I have recommended both you and the hastal as a 'must' if going to Prague.
Thank you very much again.
Mrs S D Carr

Miloslav Matas s partnerkou

Hezký večer,naše cesta do Č.Krumlova se nám opravdu vydařila a byli jsme spokojeni jak s památkami města,tak s divadlem na otáčivém hledišti.Poděkování Vám za sprostředkování pobytu i zajištění vyzvednutí vstupenek majitelem penzionu.Manší připomínku jsme měli jen k ubytování v penzionu v jeho podkroví,kde bylo i vlivem teplého počasí velmi teplo.Využili jsme sice nabídnutého ventilátoru ,ale mnoho to nepomohlo.Jinak bylo vše podle našich představ,byli jsme uprostřed všeho dění a tak jsme měli vše na dosah.Děkujeme. Miloslav Matas s partnerkou.

Valerie Rivers-Moore

We enjoyed our stay at the Antik Hotel very much. The rooms were beautifully finished, comfortable and quiet and the location was very central. Many thanks .
Valerie Rivers-Moore

Andreu Vidal

Quiero felicitar por el servició recibido por parte de ustedes. No duden que recomendaré a mis amistades si tienen que desplazarse a la maravillosa ciudad de Praga y alrrededores.

Andreu Vidal

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