Client testimonials


Wonderful location, spacious bright rooms, fully equipped, excellent and intelligent staff. The noise in the street ceases quite early, so it’ll not disturb you at all.
The driver gave us a little tour to on the way to the airport on our native language.
Petra, you really gave us a great help with our problem. Thank you very much!

We strongly recommend you this accommodation to have a relax and feel delight in the medieval part of this beautiful city.

Patricia Howard

We had a great time in Prague. The driver who took us to the airport was great as well. He was on time and there were no problems. Our hotel was the perfect location. Thanks again.

Patricia Howard

Hans Udo Thielen

Sehr geehrte Damen u. Herren,

ich möchte mich hier bei Ihnen bedanken.Alles war gut,und es hat uns allen sehr gut gefallen.

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Hans Udo Thielen

David Hardy

This is the third time I have used your services to book holidays in Prague and yet again you have excelled. I changed the booking several times due to members of the party dropping out, but you managed every change professionally and courteously. Many thanks for a fantastic stay, in a beautiful hotel, in a wonderful city. We will return again. Thankyou David, Karl, Russ, Darren, Chris, Paul, Jimmy, Dave

Tove Kristin Væraas with family

We came safe and full of good memories home from Prague. Your service was very good this time too. This is the second time we are using your services. And we will use you next time to. My husband’s parents are going to use your services. They are coming 22 august and, they are going to stay at the same hotel as us. Several of our friends have been using your services and the hotel. The memories of Prague are going to get us through the winter and we will come back next summer.
With kind regards from Trondheim
Tove Kristin Væraas with family

Barnabas Hughes

Dear Martina:

Thank you very much for your courteous help for my stay in Prague. The five ful days were truly full of exciting and entertaining activity. Prague is a beautiful city and deserves more attention that it receives. I wish you well in kyour work.

Best regards,

Barnabas Hughes

Ryan Nicholls and family

We enjoyed our stay in Prague and were very impressed with the service you provided. The driver was waiting for us upon arrival, even though our flight was delayed. The hotel was very nice and was more that we expected for the price we paid. The driver arrived at 0359 for our 0400 pick up to return to the airport. Overall grade for your service is an A+. Thank you.

Ryan Nicholls and family

Valentim Andrade Jose Luiz

Agradecemos a atenção, ressaltamos a limpeza e a qualidade dos quartos, além do atendimento prestado, em especial a funcionaria Pietra. O unico ponto negativo é a ausencia de elevadores.
Indicaremos para os amigos

Jiřina Schneiderová

Vážený pane řediteli,

naše cesta do Prahy se opravdu vydařila, a to i díky Vašim službám, se kterými jsme byli velmi spokojeni. Rovněž velmi oceňujeme pomoc při výběru hotelu a hotelové služby, které byly perfektní. Při našich dalších cestách do Prahy se na Vás určitě obrátíme.

S přáním hezkého dne
Jiřina Schneiderová, spokojený zákazník


Dear Athos Travel,
Thank you very much ; we are back home safely and with very nice memories of Prague.
While our stay in Prague very thing was perfect and we enjoyed every hour of it immensely.
Hope we meet again in one of our travel.
With very best wishes,


Peter Frolow

Wir geben Ihren Kontakt gerne weiter. Danke für Ihre
Hilfe und prompte Bearbeitung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Peter Frolow

Vitaly Kostyrka

Hello Martina,
We (my spouse and me) would like to say some warm words of gratitude for your arrangements of or Praha staying.
Actually we returned from our second honeymoon spent in Praha and Saint Petersburg last week, but only today I've got free time on work to write some personal e-mails. First one is for you.
Praha (now I can call your town only Praha, it sounds in Czech same as in Russian) is fascinating city, the city to visit. I can raise the poster under my workplace saying that Visit of Praha is mandatory for everybody.
Also great thanks to you for our staying. Charles Bridge Residence is great place. Mostecka ulitsa is not so loud as other bank of Vltava river and located in really walking distance to all places in Mala Strana, Stare na Novo Mesto. Also it's great that this hotel is located on the level of Karluv must and you don't need to climb relatively high and rapid hill to get home. When we got tired in Praha, we just walk home. Yes, this hotel became our home for 9 days.
Thank you very much for excellent arrangements of our staying and transfers in Praha.
Mnogokrat djekuje (Sorry, may be the spelling is not right, but the message is very clear, I suppose).

Yours faithfully
Vitaly Kostyrka

Ramon Andres

Hemos quedado muy satisfechos con sus servicios.
El hotel era muy bonito, muy limpio, muy bien situado y las habitaciones muy confortables.
Además el personal del hotel ha sido muy amable con nosotros y nos han tratado muy bien.
En definitiva un viaje inolvidable.

Aune Pükke

Dear Petra,

Thank you very much for your help to organize our trip to Prague.

Everybody is keen on Prague, it is so romantic and beautiful town.

Please give our regards to transfer company and the boys J They were very polite and punctual!!!

About the hotel... Thank you Petra very much!!! The hotel situated so near the centre that we could walk to everywhere. It was really good location.

But we are disappointed in that hotel because they lost one of our passports. And it made us a lot of trouble L

We hope to visit Prague some time again and it will be sure that we would like to use your services again!

Sunny Regards from Estonia!!!

Aune Pükke

Elisabeth Gößl

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail.

Wir hatten wunderschöne Tage in einem sehr angenehmen Hotel. Die Stadt und ihre Bewohner haben uns fasziniert, wir waren nicht das letzte Mal da.

Vielen Dank nochmals für die perfekte Organisation!

Freundliche Grüße aus München

Elisabeth Gößl

Heike Schön


mit der Organisation des Hotels war ich sehr zufrieden, auch entsprach das Amour Hotel Residence den Beschreibungen. Hier wäre vielleicht noch ein kleiner Hinweis auf die Lage vorteilhaft, da der Eingang des Hotels nicht einfach zu finden war.

Ansonsten nehme ich gerne wieder Ihre Dienste in Anspruch.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Heike Schön

Catherine Bartram

We had a very memorable stay in Prague and hope to visit again soon.
The service received from yourselves and your drivers helped make our holiday a triuble free one. Both drivers were very professional, smart and helpful. The cars were immaculate and we felt safe, which, when travelling as an all female group is paramount.
Thanks again and we will definately use you and also recommend you to anyone travelling to Prague in the future

Catherine Bartram

Margaret Jeffrey

Hello from New Zealand
We have just arrived back in New Zealand.
We had an amazing time in your beautiful city. The sights were stunning and the people very helpful and friendly. We managed to sort out the ticket machines for the underground ok and found that our hotel was close enough for us to walk into the city. It was very handy to restaurants for dinner.
The staff at the hotel were very helpful in particular 1 girl who did quite a lot for us. We certainly have nothing but positive memories of Prague and will certainly recommend others people to visit.
With kind regards
Margaret Jeffrey

Veronika Kuldanová

Dobrý večer,

objednávala jsem přes Vaší společnost ubytování v Českém Krumlově. Náš pobyt na tomto místě byl sice krátký, ale

i přes to, byly Vaše služby velmi profesionální a byli jsme velmi spokojeni s celou organizací ( nejen s rezervací, ale i s podrobnou informovaností).

Já osobně budu nejen nadále Vaše služby využívat, ale budu ráda doporučovat i dalším hledatelům.

Přejí krásné dny

S pozdravem Veronika Kuldanová

Kay Cato

We were very happy with our visit to Prague. Our contacts with your company, Petra Struzkova and Andrea Pischnothova, were wonderful to work with. We would certainly work with either of them again and would refer anyone we know to them.

We also were very happy with the apartment that Petra found for us, and would recommend it as well. (I tried to use the hotel feedback form, but it would not load on my system.)

Thank you for all the services your company provided to us for our trip.

Kay Cato

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