Client testimonials

phil shannon

I certainly will mention you to friends and I already have. your car service was the best and most reliable service we experienced in Prague and we hope to use you again , thanks phil shannon

Kathleen McWilliams

My trip to Prague was delightful. It was easy to use your site to book my hotel (which had been recommended by a friend). Your confirmation emails and offer for airport transportation were helpful although I drove to Prague, so didn't need the pickup service. The hotel had all the information about the booking, so it was very straightforward to settle the account. I would use your service again and would recommend it to my friends. Thank you.

Michael Eze

Dear Athol guys,
first of all, it was my first time in Prague and I was not sure what toe expect. And when I realized how very affordable Hotel Mars was, I was thinking perhaps, just one of those junk places! But, I was to be surprised. I recieved a 5 star treatment.You were and still will be the best. Thanks for making my visit to Prague worthwhile. Will definitely call on you again next time...
Blessings fo the risen Lord, Chrsit the saviour!

Kathryn and Peter LePage

Our email server will not allow opening links in incoming emails, but I just wanted you to know that our recent stay in Prague was wonderful--U Zlate Podkovy was lovely and comfortable and people were very friendly, our driver to and from the airport, Peter Hajek, also very commendable. Thank you for helping us arrange our most enjoyable visit.

Kathryn and Peter LePage

Sheila Lyell

To Athos Travel,

Thank you for your e-mail sent after our return from your beautiful city. Our stay was very good , lots to see and the weather was also excellent for this time of year.

Our driver Joseph was excellent, he drove well ,his car was so comfortable and he gave us information about the city. On departure he was punctual and the drive to the airport was comfortable and smooth. I found him very polite and would wish to have him as our driver if we return.

I have a note of your e-mail and will keep it on file as we know some friends who will be coming to Prague.

I am unable to suggest any improvements to your service as it is perfect as it is.

Thank you once again for all your help,

Yours truly,

Sheila Lyell

Catherine Coffey

We stayed at the hotel Rott March 2nd-5th our party of four had a brilliant stay .The rooms were great and very clean,the reception staff helpfull,and the breakfast started your day.The location of the Hotel Rott is wonderful.We would all recommed this hotel.

Zdenka Greppi

Sluzeb Athos Travel jsem vyuzila dvakrat a vzdy jsem byla velice spokojena a to jak s ubytovanim i transferem z letiste. Mohu jen vrele doporucit!!
Z.Greppi, Italie

Michael Tennan

The service was excellent and we thoroughly enjoyed our holiday. We will definitely return.

Triona McQuaid

Arriving in Prague we were greeted with brilliant sunshine which lasted for our stay in Prague, this was a real bonus.
The arranged taxi service to and from the airport was punctual so no complaints.
We arrived at the hotel in the old town which was both central and very clean and efficient, the staff were very friendly and helpful.
The room wise perfect, warm and clean.
I would recommend the Salvator hotel to any of my friends.

Thank you for all your help

Triona McQuaid

Rita Mrkvicka

Vielen Dank für das nette E-Mail. Es hat uns in Prag und vor allem in Ihrem Hotel Atos sehr gut gefallen, das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist wirklich super uind auch Lage und Freundlichkeit einfach unschlagbar! Definitiv ein Hotel zum Weiterempfehlen!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Rita Mrkvicka

Helena Chalánková

Vážený pane Antosi, v Praze se nám samozřejmě velmi líbilo, vyšlo nám pěkné počasí a vše, co jsme měli v plánu, jsme prošli a viděli. Co se týká ubytování, nemáme nejmenší připomínky. V hotelu bylo příjemně, čisto, teplo, personál byl vstřícný a ochotný. Navíc umístění hotelu - v těsné blízkosti Staroměstského náměstí a přitom na klidném Haštalském náměstí, nám velice vyhovovalo. Kladné hodnocení určitě předáme našim známým a budeme vřele doporučovat :-)
S přáním pěkného dne a úspěchů ve Vašem podnikání
Helena Chalánková

Neil Browning

Thank you.

it was a wonderful visit and I hope to return again.

Josephine Johnston

Thank you for your mail. Our stay in Prague (hotel U Zlateho Jelena) was very enjoyable. Everything went smoothly especially taxi pick-up from airport which was very punctual. We just had one problem with our bedroom on first night as the mattress on the double bed was very lumpy and uncomfortable. Room 4. On mentioning this to reception we were moved to a different room (no 32)but our daughter had to sleep on the sofa bed.

Apart from this staff were very friendly and breakfast was o.k.



Michal Stark

Dobrý den,
děkuji za rychlé, přehledné a kvalitní zprostředkování objednávky hotelu. Díky ATHOS TRAVEL jsem si mohl rychle vybrat místo, které jsem potřeboval. Veškeré Vaše nabídnuté služby hodnotím velice pozitivně. Nemám k Vaší společnocti jedinou výhradu ani připomínku. Už jsem Váš systém objednávek doporučil kamarádům. Při další cestě do Prahy se opět obrátím na společnost ATHOS TRAVEL a případné připomínky rád zdělím.
zdraví Michal Stark


To whom it may concern,

thank you for your email and your services. We really did enjoy our stay in Prague and in the future when visiting Prague,we will for sure use your services again. The hotel was very nice too,so we were satisfied with everything,
Thank you,

Vonni and Florian

We are totally satisfy with Hotel Prague Express -- cheap price, friendly staffs and clean rooms!

Unfortunately we have had very bad experience dining in the 'Blue Bar Cafe' which is located in Lazenska, Makla Strana (near the castle). We had ordered some dinner sets which should not cost more than 480 Ck, but the bill came with 622!

When we asked the waitress, she said the dishes in the set are calculated separately (they do not tell in advance) and we should pay for the salt pepper and sugar on the table!! (we dont even touch them!) The blond waitress banged the door after we stepped out from the restaurant with dissatisfaction.

This Blue Bar will definitely black-listed and I urge the visitors be extra careful when dining in local restaurant.

Petr Janíček

Vážený pane řediteli,

s Vašimi službami jsem byl velmi spokojen (hlavně se slečnou nebo paní Dášou) a určitě do budoucna Vašich služeb využiji i pro své soukromé i firemní aktivity.

Děkuji a jsem s pozdravem

Petr Janíček

OLaf Steger

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, danke für die Organisation des Hotels. Wir waren rundherum zufrieden, zumal das Wetter phantastisch war (ich weiß nicht, ob Sie sauch das organisiert haben).
Wir kannten Prag schon von früheren Besuchen, und wir entwickeln uns immer mehr zu Dauergästen, weil Prag so wunderschön ist und die tschechische Bevölkerung so freundlich, modern und aufgeschlossen ist.
Herzliche Grüße
OLaf Steger

Marie McStay

Thank you for your email,

We had a wonderful time in Prague but then we always do.
We come to Prague each January for our wedding anniversary
and we have not been disappointed yet.

The hotel Cerna Liska was in an excellent position and our room
looked directly onto the Old Town Square. Magic!
The staff were very helpful, friendly and courteous. Our room was
spotless and the food was excellent. We would not hesitate to
recommend the hotel or yourselves to our friends and family.

Kind regards,

Marie McStay

Jaroslav Kroužel


pobyt byl pěkný,paní recepční velice příjrmná v restauraci dobré
jídlo i dobrá obsluha!Nic víc jme si nemohli přát!


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