Client testimonials

Jonathan Freilich

Dear Athos,

Yes, we did arrange for a transfer to the airport before our departure to CZR. The driver (your no 1) arrived promptly, was very friendly, and we will use this service again next year 2011. Accommodate at Penzion Atelier was very satisfactory.


Jonathan Freilich (UK)

Zlata Paličková

Dobrý den,
v Českém Krumlově se nám opravdu líbilo. Vyšlo celkem i počasí. Skutečně jsme si celý pobyt, včetně ubytování, opravdu užili. Krumlov je opravdu hezké místo. Díky za Váš zájem. Mnoho úspěchů ve vaší práci. Hezký den. Paličková

Louis Cohen

Thank you! Our driver (both from the train station to our hotel and from our hotel to the airport) was named Petr, and he was excellent -- punctual, helpful, and friendly, not to mention a good driver. We thank him very much as well as your entire staff, who were very helpful in their correspondence in the months leading up to our visit to Prague. We will definitely recommend your services to any friends who consider travelling to Prague in the future.

Best regards,

Louis Cohen



In way of feedback, all I can say is that the service was excellent. On time, friendly, very flexible. We will certainly use you again on our next ski trio.


Dorothy Lyon

Your service was wonderful - prompt, professional, and reasonable in cost.
I would recommend you to others, as Rick Steves did.

Many thanks again,
Dorothy Lyon

Marika Helminen & Helge Hansen

Dear Athos Travel Team,

Our holiday in Praha was perfect. The taxi driver we had was nice and professional. We are very satisfied with your service.

Thank you!

With kind regards

Marika Helminen & Helge Hansen

John Perry

I thought your service was excellent and have already passed on your details to friends thinking of visiting Prague

Iris Beatriz Chierichetti

Estimado Equipo Athos Travel :
Gracias por todas sus atenciones !! recièn les contesto porque no hace mucho que regresamos, sanas y con un bagaje de
recuerdos y anècdotas inolvidables!!
Praga ..Bellìsima!!! Nos hubiera gustado quedarnos màs dìas....pero ya tenìamos un itinerario a cumplir.. Nos sentimos muy bien en vuestro paìs... Hermoso el Hotel de la reserva y su gente!! Muy càlido el joven Pavel que nos fue a buscar al Aeropuerto ¡felicitaciones para èl !! que nos hizo olvidar un mal momento en el Aeropuerto donde no nos entendìan donde buscar nuestro equipaje que no habìa llegado ( El Personal de seguridad del Aeropuerto los hace quedar muy mal !!! , muy poca predisposiciòn para ayudar a los que no hablamos su idioma!!! Ojalà lo puedan corregir por que Praga es una ciudad maravillosa!!! y con mucha gente maravillosa!! )
Gracias por todo !!!! Me encantarìa volver y recomendar a mis amigos vuestra Empresa.


Sharon Renee Woods

Thank you!

Martin Horák

Dobrý den,
děkuji za vaši aktivitu. Celý průběh pobytu v Českém Krumlově se nesl v příjemném duchu, bez žádných problémů. Možná krátkodobé (jednodenní) ubytování by mohlo mít lepší pozici - parkování v centru.
Děkuji za skvělý pobyt.

S přáním hezkého dne

Martin Horák

Alex Apostolou

We arrived home safe, thank you.

We enjoyed our visit to Prague, and we appreciate your and Mr. Hajek services. We will recommend your agency to friends traveling to Prague.

Alex Apostolou

Natalia Chmykhalo

thank you very much for your assistance in arranging our stay in Frantishkovy Lazne, Hotel Belvedere. We really enjoyed stay in this hotel and would recommend it to others.

Best regards,
Natalia Chmykhalo

Lynne Bagley


We all had an amazing time in Prague thank you.
After all the disruptions, having to cancel our trip in April due to the volcanic eruptions and rebooking for September, i would like to say that the girls at Athos were BRILLIANT.
They were very helpful and pleasant.
Thankyou for making our trip happen.
If we ever decide to travel to Prague again, i will be booking it through Athos.

Thankyou again


We had a pleasant and enjoyable ride both ways with our driver who also spoke English so well and he gave us a bit if insight on Prague on the way in and he was there promptly at the correct time to take us back to the for another visit. Thank you so much for making what can be a stressful time so smooth and pleasing.

Zdislav Zima

Dobrý den, děkuji za optání. V Praze bylo skutečně krásně a se službami jsme byli spokojeni. Příště vaší kancelář jistě opět využijeme. S pozdravem, Zdislav Zima

Jitka Vybíhalová

Chci moc poděkovat personálu v penzionu MARIE v Českém Krumlově za příjemný pobyt!!!Vše bylo SUPER mohu jen vřele tento penzion všem doporučit!!!!!Děkujeme s pozdravem Vybíhalovi z Uničova

Tina Steblaj

Dear Athos team,

On behalf of all our group I can express our utmost thanks and satisfaction with this visit, regarding accomodation and other activities in Budejovice (Budvar factory, dinner,…). Everything was smooth, well prepaid, so we left Budejovice happy and content. Thank you again, especiall for your organisation, since we had great problems finding a hotel for the whole group.

With best regards

Tina Steblaj

Mike Denbury

Dear Athos Travel Team,
Just to say a late thank you for arranging hotel accommodation and airport hotel transfer. We were very happy with the hotel Salvator again, and would certainly recommend Athos Travel.
We arrived in the evening in a thunderstorm but after that the weather was excellent (although maybe just a bit too hot at times). We mainly walked about but did take a tram to Ujzed to get to get the funicular to the Rose Garden. Found the funicular operator to be unhelpful with ticket information - but is was a very hot day and lots of people about.
One day we will visit some other part of Czech Republic.
Special thanks to Tereza Dvorakova
Thank you
Mike Denbury

Martin Peterseim

Mile damy a panove,

srdecne chci podekovat za pekny pobyt v Praze! Bylo to super!

S přátelským pozdravem
Martin Peterseim

Kalajová Adela

Ďakujeme,za pekný pobyt v Prahe.Vrátili sme sa šťastlivo domov.Boli sme milo prekvapení a nadchnutí krásnou Prahou.Máme veľa pekných zážitkov,dúfam že niekedy Prahu ešte navštívime. S pozdravom Kalajová Adela

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