Valkanovi House

Levochevo , Pamporovo Bulharsko
(6.1 km od centra )
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Set 13 km away from Pamporovo and 11 km away from Studenets, Valkanovi House offers a self-catering accommodation unit with a terrace and a balcony, a free sauna, free WiFi and access to a garden with free barbecue facilities. Public parking spaces are available on site free of charge.

The Valkanova´s holiday home also comes with a well-equipped kitchen, a flat-screen TV and 3 bathrooms. In addition, it features a living area with 4 sofa beds, a fireplace and a washing machine.

In summer, several hiking trails start directly on the premises.

Guest house "Vаlkanovi" consists of a main part - three floors with an internal staircase. All premises are in an attractive Rhodope style. The maximum capacity of the main house is 14 guests. There are five independent bedrooms available in the main house - two of them are located on the second floor, and the remaining three are on the third floor. Two of the bedrooms have the option of accommodating a third person and the other two have the option of accommodating a total of four.

For the greater convenience of larger groups, we offer an additional part which has a warm connection to the main part, consisting of two floors with an internal staircase with an additional four bedrooms.

Up to 14 guests can be accommodated in the main house with five bedrooms. If the guests are up to 14 people, but wish to use additional bedrooms rooms, Vаlkanovi House can provide them for an additional fee from the guests.

* In front of the house there is a large veranda from which an incredible mountain view is revealed. It can be used all year round, providing guests with the opportunity to create warmth and coziness through a large fireplace. There is a water wheel next to the fireplace, which rotates.

* Dining room with fully equipped kitchenette - here guests can apply their culinary skills. It is equipped with a large refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, coffee machine.

* Tavern with a fireplace where guests can enjoy themselves.

* Finnish sauna located on the third floor.

* The house has central heating, satellite TV, free WiFi, audio system and audio column with Bluetooth.

* A children's corner with swings, a slide and a sandbox located in the yard of the house for our youngest guests.

* Jacuzzi - up t 10 people, located in a closed room in the courtyard under the veranda, with a beautiful view of the mountains. The use of the jacuzzi is reserved separately and is not included in the price per night.

Dostupnosť a ceny

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Typy izieb / apartmánov

Základné informácie - Valkanovi House

Počet izieb/ jednotiek:



15:00 -


- 11:00

Deti povolené

Detské postieľky a prístelky

  • Detská postieľka alebo prístelka od veku 0 od ceny 0 EUR

Služby / Vybavenie


  • Jazda na koni Platené navyše
  • Lyžiarska škola Platené navyše
  • Lyžovanie Mimo miesta ubytovanie
  • Pešia turistika
  • Pešie prehliadky
  • Úschovňa lyží Platené navyše

Bazén a wellness

  • Kúpeľné vybavenie
  • Plážové stoličky/ležadlá
  • Sauna
  • Vírivka/jacuzzi Platené navyše


  • Hasiace prístroje
  • Kamerový systém v spoločných priestoroch
  • Vonkajší kamerový systém

Bezpečnostné vybavenie

  • Bežne používané predmety ako jedálne lístky, časopisy, papiere alebo perá sú odstránené z dosahu
  • Kontrola zdravotného stavu hostí
  • Personál dodržiava bezpečnostné opatrenia vydané miestnymi úradmi


  • Parkovanie na ulici

Fyzický odstup

  • Zavedené pravidlá fyzického odstupu

Jedlo a nápoje

  • Donáška potravín Platené navyše
  • Vybavenie na grilovanie

Potraviny a nápoje

  • Dezinfekcia všetkých tanierov, príborov, pohárov a ďalšieho riadu
  • Dodržiavanie pravidiel fyzického odstupu v stravovacích priestoroch
  • Jedlo je pri donáške bezpečne zabalené


  • Individuálny check-in/check-out


  • Kúrenie
  • Nefajčiarske izby
  • Rodinné izby


  • Bezplatné Wi-Fi
  • Internet
  • Wi-Fi

Spoločné priestory

  • Terasa
  • Vonkajší kozub/vonkajšie ohnisko
  • Záhrada

Upratovacie služby

  • Čistiareň

Upratovanie a dezinfekcia

  • Dezinfekcia izieb pred príchodom nových hostí
  • Hostia majú počas pobytu možnosť odmietnuť upratovaciu službu
  • Používanie čistiacich prostriedkov účinných proti koronavírusu
  • Pranie obliečok, uterákov a ostatnej bielizne v súlade s pokynmi miestnych úradov
  • Zapečatenie izieb po upratovaní až do príchodu hostí


  • Bezplatné parkovisko
  • Domáce zvieratá povolené
  • Parkovanie na mieste
  • Parkovisko
  • Wi-Fi k dispozícii vo všetkých priestoroch

Zábavné a rodinné služby

  • Detské ihrisko
  • Vonkajšie detské ihrisko

Hodnotenie a recenzie návštevníkov 93%

Valkanovi House Levochevo, Pamporovo 93 100 12 Celkom 93% Od 100%
na základe 12 hodnotení

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